
这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程表 and College 目录.

CSCI 6 - Computer Programming for Visual Thinkers    ( 3.00 -单位)
学生们在2D和3D虚拟世界中创作互动游戏、故事和动画. 程序使用拖放界面进行组装,以绕过传统语言所需的抽象语法规则. 涉及的主题包括变量, 数据类型, 表达式, 输入/输出, 逻辑和控制流, 循环, 功能, 参数, 数组, 递归, 流程图, 图形, 动画, 三维建模, 以及电脑游戏设计.

  1. Construct small 程序 using various elements, 比如变量, I/O, 条件, 循环, 功能, 表达式, 和参数.
  2. draw a flowchart to represent the logical structure of an given algorithm.
  3. 使用在课程中获得的技能来设计和编程原创游戏,故事或动画.

CSCI 7 - Introduction to Computer Programming Concepts    ( 3.00 -单位)
计算机程序设计导论,适用于非科学专业的学生,以及在学习计算机科学10或计算机科学14之前需要额外准备的学生. 硬件, 系统软件基础, 计算机的历史, 计算机基本操作, 数字系统, 算法设计, and 程序ming constructs 比如变量s, 表达式, 输入/输出, 决策, 循环, 功能, 和参数.

  1. Able to draw a flowchart using the standard symbols showing the logic flow to add, 减去, 分, 将两个数相乘. Detect if the two entered numbers are valid numerics, and any "division by zero".
  2. 编写带有值和引用形参的void函数和返回值函数,并在程序中使用它们
  3. demonstrate steps involved in 程序 development
  4. Produce well-documented, user-friendly 程序s of short to medium length
  5. Describe the major hardware components of a typical computer (e.g. 主内存, 二级存储, CPU, 输入和输出外围设备)以及每个组件在计算机系统运行时所执行的功能或部分.

CSCI 8 -计算机知识    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to computers including: Microsoft Windows, 微软办公软件, 多媒体, 互联网, 吃嫩叶的动物, 万维网, an awareness of types of computer software in use including 程序ming languages, 电子邮件, 基于计算机的职业和趋势, and other computing issues in today’s society. No prior computer experience necessary. 本课程推荐给任何专业想要学习电脑及如何使用电脑的学生. Hands-on laboratory experience reinforces lecture.

  1. Construct a basic database application using table, Input Form and Report Form using Microsoft Access
  2. Demonstrate the proper use of headers, 页脚, 页面编号, 脚注, 利润空间, 字符属性和表格在文字处理使用微软word从适当的菜单选项.
  3. 使用Microsoft Excel中的公式和函数从正确的菜单选项中开发一个基本的自我计算电子表格,以识别这些功能在商业环境中的使用.

CSCI 10 - Introduction to Programming Using Visual BASIC.网    ( 4.00 -单位)
介绍使用微软的编程语言Visual BASIC进行计算机编程.。网 for Windows. The course includes 程序ming algorithm development, Visual Studio.净的IDE, the language’s basic syntax and grammar, 对象韦德1946网站过程, 输入/输出, 循环技术, 决策逻辑, 可变数据类型, 功能 and subroutines and text file and database manipulation. 面向没有或很少有正式编程经验的普通读者.

  1. 认识到用Visual Basic编写程序的基于windows的用户界面(IDE)的功能和易用性.. 网通过选择和理解要嵌入到窗体上的适当的或可用的对象控件,并对每个对象在程序执行时“检测”到的适当韦德1946网站进行编码. Discuss the advantages of a window based, event driven language vs. an older "command line prompt language such as C or C++.
  2. 在Visual Basic应用程序中使用基于图形、声音、鼠标和计时器的功能
  3. 循环的使用和概念(1).e. 暂时). 什么时候循环适合于逻辑,在这种情况下使用哪种特定类型的循环最好.
  4. 认识到用Visual Basic编写程序的基于windows的用户界面的功能和易用性.. 网通过选择和理解要嵌入到窗体上的适当的或可用的对象控件,并对每个对象在程序执行时“检测”到的适当韦德1946网站进行编码. Discuss the advantages of a window based, event driven language vs. an older "command line prompt language such as C or C++.

CSCI 14 - Introduction to Structured Programming In C++    ( 4.00 -单位)
介绍结构化程序设计和使用c++语言解决问题. 解决问题的技巧, 算法设计, 测试和调试技术, 以及文档标准. c++语法:基本运算符, 数据类型, 控制结构, user-defined and library 功能, 基本输入/输出, 顺序文件, 数组和结构体. Appropriate for students with little or no 程序ming experience, but comfortable using computers with modern GUI operating systems.

  1. 编写带有值和引用形参的void函数和返回值函数,并在程序中使用它们
  2. Demonstrate steps involved in 程序 development
  3. Produce well-documented, user-friendly 程序s of short to medium length
  4. 理解c++中按值和按引用传递参数值的机制. 考虑到相关的代码, 学生将通过正确确定函数的输出来展示他们对参数传递的知识.

CSCI 15 - Object-Oriented Programming Methods    ( 4.00 -单位)
Object-oriented 程序ming 方法 employed to design, 程序, test and document intermediate level problems. Includes 字符串 and string objects, 多维数组, 指针, 动态分配, 类, 重载函数, 继承和多态性, 链表简介. 设计满足计算机协会(ACM)计算机科学和相关转学专业要求的CS I指南.

  1. 定义, 设计和使用简单的类, including at least one project that uses a class 继承 hierarchy.
  2. Manipulate 数组 using pointer notation.
  3. 操作标准类库中的对象,如字符串、向量和流.
  4. Use the new operator to implement a singly linked list.

CSCI 19A - Object-Oriented Programming Methods in Java    ( 4.00 -单位)
Object-oriented 程序ming 方法 employed to design, 程序, test and document intermediate level problems in the Java language. Java语法概述, 控制结构, 方法, I/O, 字符串, single and 多维数组, 递归和异常处理. Abstract Data Types and Object-Oriented Programming principles including 类, 信息隐藏, 聚合, 继承, method overriding and polymorphism. Introduction to graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and applets using the javax.摇摆不定的包. Dynamic allocation and de-allocation of memory; comparison of Java references with 指针 in C++. Implementation and use of 链表. 旨在满足计算机协会(ACM)计算机科学和相关转学专业所需的CSI指南.

  1. 构造类层次结构
  2. demonstrate steps involved in 程序 development
  3. Produce well-documented, user-friendly 程序s of short to medium length
  4. 编写包含基本异常处理技术的程序:try-catch和throw

CSCI 20 - Introduction to Data Structures    ( 4.00 -单位)
使用面向对象的软件工程原理设计和实现大型项目. Emphasis on definition and use of data structures. Includes specification of Abstract Data Types, 递归, 动态内存分配, 栈, 链表, 优先级队列, 图, 二叉树, 堆, 排序和搜索, 算法分析, 散列技术, 随机存取文件.

  1. 定义堆栈ADT并将其实现为数组(或向量)和链表.
  2. Design and code a complete 程序 of 500 lines or more.
  3. Explain how 递归 is implemented.
  4. Manipulate 数组 using pointer notation.
  5. 编写递归方法.

CSCI 21 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming    ( 4.00 -单位)
机器架构基础, 机器语言, 汇编语言, operating system and higher level language interface. 数据表示, instruction representation and execution, addressing techniques and use of macros. 空间和时间效率问题. Input/output including number conversion and use of system interrupts. Interrupt processing and interrupt handlers. Procedures including parameter passing and linkage to higher level languages.

  1. Ability to write a simple interrupt handler.
  2. 定义术语中断
  3. 定义术语中断处理程序,并讨论中断如何发生以及如何处理它们.
  4. Demonstrate familiarity with the function of CPU registers
  5. Design and write a simple interrupt handler

CSCI 28 -离散数学    ( 3.00 -单位)
集, relations and 功能; logic, 证明方法, induction; combinatorics, 离散型概率, 递归, and recurrence relations; 图 and trees; logic circuits; finite state machines. Designed for majors in mathematics and computer science.

  1. Critically analyze mathematical problems using a logical methodology.
  2. Communicate mathematical ideas, understand definitions, and interpret concepts.
  3. Increase confidence in understanding mathematical concepts, communicating ideas and thinking analytically.

CSCI 41 - UNIX简介    ( 2.00 -单位)
UNIX operating system capabilities, Perl入门, elementary batch 程序ming and compilation of C. UNIX系统的组件, 常用命令, 目录和文件管理, UNIX的编辑, 贝壳, 电子邮件 and user communication, the C language development environment, 互联网资源.

  1. Design and develop the logic for a basic C 程序 under the UNIX environment. This task requires a working knowledge of one oth the available UNIX text editors, the file directory structure of the UNIX environment, UNIX下的文件安全权限以及基本的编程实践和过程
  2. Differentiate between a single-user and multi-user system
  3. Edit, compile, and run a simple C 程序
  4. Identify the major components of a UNIX system
  5. 设置合适的所有者, 集团, 对相关的个人子目录和文件的其他安全权限,以便教师(其他)在其个人学生帐户上读取和执行其作业.
  6. 使用UNIX ASCII编辑器之一在其帐户上构建一个基本的HTML网页, set the proper security permissions, 导入图像和声音文件到他们的UNIX帐户,并允许匿名用户从网络上看到我们的UNIX服务器上的网页.
  7. Using one of the UNIX ASCII editors, 学生应该能够为一个基本的C程序编写源代码,然后使用内置的C编译器编译该程序

CSCI 42 - UNIX Tools, Shell Programming and System Administration Concepts    ( 2.00 -单位)
Further experience with UNIX tools. 增强的贝壳. 着重于UNIX的Linux变体. 网络的基本概念. 编写和测试shell脚本. 流程和调度. 安全问题. 系统管理.

  1. 70%的学生将能够使用shell命令文件和脚本分析问题并设计UNIX解决方案.
  2. 70%的学生将能够使用不同类型的Unix shell开发和测试Unix编程脚本
  3. 70%的学生将能够提供主要的UNIX系统管理任务,如创建和管理网络服务器上的用户帐户.
  4. 70%的学生将能够使用高级UNIX实用程序和系统编程入门.